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Frequently asked questions

  • You’re an independent publisher, what does this mean?

    Independent publishers are usually self-publishers, but not us! We’ve currently got over a dozen authors writing under the Provoco brand, and they benefit from having a larger audience to sell their books through. Traditional publishers do still rely on shelf space in large book retail outlets and often books are removed from limited shelf space to accommodate new titles. Independent publishers can seek to get your book stocked in retail outlets, but here at Provoco we also use other avenues to get your book sold! 

    We also pay you differently, too. You don’t have to wait until you have amassed enough sales to pay back an advance against royalties, because we don’t work that way. We pay a higher royalty rate, and you earn money from the first book sold! 

  • Speaking of money, do I have to pay you anything up front?

    If you are signed with Provoco, you don't pay us a penny, except for our commission share of your earned royalties. If you opt for our Self Publishing Package or any of our services, you have to pay us in advance before we can commence working with you.

  • Do I need an agent, or can I query directly to you?

    We accept queries from agents and directly from authors. 

  • What happens once I’ve signed with you?

    There is plenty of  communication between publisher and author, starting with a welcome chat about the publishing process and what happens next. You'll be contacted ahead of key dates, such as cover reveal, eBook launch etc and you can always call for a chat, reassurance, a moan, whatever!

  • How long will it take to publish my book?

    Generally, the publishing process can take up to 18 months from the date the first draft is delivered to publication day. 

  • What is a proof copy?

    It’s a special pre-publication copy, usually we call them ‘draft copies’, or ‘ARC’s’ which stands for ‘Advanced Reading Copy’. We make these available to reviewers.

  • Who is responsible for cover design?

    Provoco will look after your cover design, although is you chose to use a bespoke image, there may be a charge for our services.

  • What about editing?

    Provoco will take care of that, too! Again, depending on what type of edit your book needs, there may be a charge for some services. For example, if you send us a raw, un-proofed manuscript, the editing charge may apply because we will have to engage a proof-reader or a beta-reader as well as an editor. If you’ve had your work proofed, usually the edit will be included in our administrative services.

  • Do you only sell my book on Amazon?

    No! You will find a lot of indie publishers who do sell on Amazon, which owns a huge share of the book sales market, so it’s important to be on there, but Provoco uses various distributors who can get your book onto online platforms and into the bookshops, so you will have your book distributed through several different channels.

  • What about publicity and marketing, do you help me with that?

    Yes. You will receive standard publicity and marketing both before and after your book is published. This is part of our service, if you have signed with Provoco. If you are an indie author looking for publicity services, we'll charge you £250 for our Provoco Package.

  • Can you guarantee sales?

    No, although it would be nice, wouldn’t it? We would steer clear of anyone who guaranteed book sales for you because this is impossible! What we do say to you is that if you have a good, well written book that has a strong storyline and a great cover, we will help you achieve the best sales possible through the publishing process and beyond into publicising your book and marketing it once it is published.

  • What happens if my book doesn’t sell?

    We invest a lot of time, money and effort into making your book the best it can be, but even with this investment, sometimes books just don’t engage with the public and your sales are unexpectedly low. When this happens, we discuss your options with you and we will either re-invest in the book, suggesting things like book tours, book blitzes, advertising campaigns or we will let you know we are withdrawing the book from the market. It is always disappointing when this happens, so we try not to let it! 

  • If my first book doesn’t sell well, will you still want to publish other books I have written?

    Yes! Sometimes a book just doesn’t engage with people. It doesn’t mean the author is a bad writer, or that there is something wrong with the book. Therefore, we would never judge an author by the number of sales for one book, when we have taken an option on others. Always remember, some books take years to ‘hit their appeal with the market’, and suddenly, that book you wrote back in 2016 is at the top of the Best Sellers list!

  • What’s next then?

    Send us your manuscript! Write it in word format, using 12-point, New Times Roman font. Don’t number the pages and don’t use headers and footers. Click this link and start your journey with Provoco Publishing!

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